Hi, I’m Mae and I am 2 years old. I am the big sister to Louise who just turned 1. My mommy and daddy’s names are Emily and Joe, we all live in Minnesota. I’ve made huge strides this past year that include: crawling, pulling to stand, playing with kids despite my sensory sensitivities and I’ve been working really hard on walking with my very own posterior walker. I love to pull to stand so I can play better and I love anything musical- a xylophone or piano are my go to’s. I am an outdoor kind of girl who can’t get enough wind in my hair, especially riding fast on my parents side by side! CTNNB1 kids love water and I am no exception, I could swim and splash all day long. Everyone tells me that my big infectious smile and laugh is what they can’t get enough of!

- Post published:April 27, 2023
- Post category:Dragonflies