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Caleb from Pennsylvania, USA
  • Post category:Dragonflies

Caleb is a happy nine-year-old boy and can be seen with a smile on his face almost all the time! Since his diagnosis of CTNNB1, he has progressed in many ways, including physical, occupational, speech, and academic areas. His school provides him with a pull out math class, and a language arts program that helps him to visualize what he is reading. He is also provided with a paraprofessional that offers support and safety measures when needed. He continues to do therapeutic horse riding, and he recently started participating in a special needs creative arts program. He is also a huge fan to football at the current moment and can often be spotted with his Kansas City Chiefs jersey on, despite living in the Pittsburgh area. Caleb continues to play a vital part of our family, and we are truly blessed to have such a loving, hard-working, and resilient dragonfly!

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